Wally De Doncker is an author and a children’s literature specialist. One of his main aims is to bring children and literature closer together. Wally again and again tackles themes that are scarcely touched upon in contemporary children’s literature. His books have received numerous nominations and selections. Several of his books have been translated and adapted for the theatre, as well as musicals, film animations and dance films.
"Because of his significant influence and contributions, De Doncker's name often appears in literary circles and educational forums. His dedication to promoting children's literature globally and his empathetic approach to storytelling have left a lasting impact." (AI, 2025)
Wally De Doncker’s philosophical approach to writing is characterised by its focus on thought-provoking themes, human rights, social issues, and the promotion of tolerance and humanity. His work encourages readers to reflect on these issues and promotes the importance of reading and literacy.
• Thought-Provoking Themes: De Doncker’s books often explore deep, thought-provoking themes. His work encourages readers to think critically and reflect on various aspects of life.
• Focus on Human Rights: In his speeches and writings, De Doncker has emphasized the importance of human rights, particularly the right to read. He believes that all children, regardless of their circumstances, should have access to books and the opportunity to learn to read.
• Addressing Social Issues: De Doncker’s work often addresses social issues. For example, in his acceptance speech as IBBY president, he spoke about the challenges arising from the refugee crisis and the importance of ensuring access to education and reading for all children.
• Promoting Tolerance and Humanity: De Doncker believes that reading can promote tolerance and humanity. He has stated that if children are given the chance to read, they can become advocates for humanity and tolerance.
• Influence of Personal Experiences: De Doncker’s philosophical approach is also influenced by his personal experiences as a teacher and reading promoter. His experiences in the classroom have shaped his views on the importance of reading and literacy.
From 2003 to 2009 he was a member of the editorial board of the critical journal of children's literature, The Lion and the Unicorn which is published in the United States of America. As a song writer he works together with different Belgian composers.
He served as president of the world organization IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People) from 2014- 2018. In his maiden speech in Mexico he shared his aims for the future of the organization: “one of our objectives is battling illiteracy. He went on to say that, “it is unacceptable that there are countries in this day and age in which girls are banned from reading or even learning to read. It remains unacceptable that children’s libraries are being closed because of financial cutbacks, thus rendering books inaccessible to children from underprivileged families.”
Different international museums draw attention to his books: The Children’s Museum Labyrinth (Berlin) has focused on ‘Ahum’ and the Dutch Children’s Books Museum on ‘It Starts Somewhere’. ‘I miss myself’ was focus of attention in France during many national exhibitions and philosophical conferences. He has been a guest speaker at many literary events around the world.
In 2013 and 2017 De Doncker was Short List Nominee for the prestigious Belgian SABAM Awards for Children’s and Youth Literature.
The film 'Us Three / Nous Trois' (2019, Blauwhuis productions, Ghent) was inspired by his book' Ik Mis Me 'and was awarded as' Best Film' at the 'Fic Autor Filmfestival' in Mexico 2019 and the Bronze Award at the 'Queen Palm International Film Festival ' 2019 in Florida (USA).
In 2020 his book 'Nian and the Boy' received the Outstanding Work Award ' by the Chinese Institute for Picture Book Research' and the Fu Lanya Picture Book Museum.
Wally De Doncker was key note speaker at the World Forum on Quality Development of Children's Publishing (Bologna, 4 April, 2024) He was alsoinvited as a guest speaker at the Liangzhu Forum 2024 in China (Hangzhou, 25-26 November 2024).
Video: Wally De Doncker - International Books
Main titles
- Twee doffe bonzen, Laureate Flemish Government, International Year of Literacy 1991
- Een opa met gaatjes (1996) (Eng. What’s wrong with granddad? Danish: Bedstefar med huller i, German: Was ist bloss mit Opa los?
- Ik Mis Me (2001 & 2019)- (French: Vivre sans moi, je ne peux pas Longlist Golden Owl (B), Top 20 Golden Owl Ever(B), Littérature de Jeunesse et Philosophie, Coup de chapeau (F) 2003, Pédagogie Freinet 2011 (F)Valise Philopsophie (F), Sélection Flash, 2003 (F), Coup de Coeur 2020 Paris Libraries...
- Ik ben heel veel liefde (2017) ( I am lots of love) White Raven 2018, Short List Sabam Award 2017, Liefdesfestival Oostende 2018
- Ahum (2000) Kindermuseum Labyrint Berlin 2009 (D)
- Schim (2015) Shade White Raven
- Tsjilp, zegt de vis (2009) White Raven
- Praten met je staart (2008) – (Eng. Talking with your tale, Danish: Dyresnak) Laureate Flemish Children's Jury 2010
- Het begint ergens (2009)- (Eng. It starts somewhere) White Raven, Papiria Kinderboekmuseum Den Haag, Short List Sabam Award 2013
- Nooit (2009)- (Eng. Never)
- Is Beter nog ver? (2010) (Eng. Is Better still far?) Short List Sabam Award 2013
- Van A tot Zet (2010) (Eng. From A to Z) Büchstäblich Anders München,
- Van 12 tot 1 (2012) (Eng. From 12 to 1) Short List Sabam Award 2013
- Billie's Factory, (2020) Illustrated by Xu Kaiyun, Translated by Albatul Najaweb
Sjarjah, Emirates, and Cairo, Egypt: Dar Al Bousalah for Publishing & Distribution and Oriental Culture Publishing House. - Pabrik Billie (2023), Rosda, Indonesia
Chinese titles
- I wish I were a doll (3 & 3, 2002)- translated in Chinese: Danyuan wo shi renou
- Billy’s Factory (CCPPG, 2015) 比利的工厂 Bologna Youthful Humanism, Chinese Picture Book Museum 2018, Short List International Silk Road 2019, Nomination Children's World Day 2023 (SAU)
- Nian and the Boy (CCPPG, 2019) 年和男孩 Shortlist AliceLand Picture Book Award China 2020, Outstandig Work Award China 2020 presented by 'Chinese Original Picture Book Research Institute' en 'Fu Lanya Picture Book Museum', Best Book Chinese Children's Jury 2020
- Tweet, says the fish (Shangdong, 2017) 鸣叫的鱼
- My brother Wolf (Shangdong, 2017) 我的狼兄弟 Chinese International Top 100 2019
- Forgetful Granddad(Shangdong, 2017) 健忘的爷爷
- It starts somewhere (Shangdong, 2017) 从何时开始
- Talking with your tail (Shangdong, 2017)
- Shade (Shangdong, 2017) 影子的故
- Missing Hurts/ Thoughts on the cloud ("云上的思念”Tiandi Press, 2022)